Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Ch.8 section 3 worksheet was done.  Get the worksheet from the teacher.
The Alien and Sedition Act of 1798, get the worksheet from the teacher also in your google classroom read the Awful and sorry and answer the questions.

Make sure your chrome book is charged and you will be working with our Counselor for high school registration.  Please go to Mrs. Sykes room.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Finished the review of Washington's Farewell Address and started SLO#3 Writing.  If you were absent, you must come in before school the next day to make it up.  Please finish answering the questions on the back of your Farewell Address.

Monday, February 5, 2018

President's Unit Vocabulary, rest of the time work on your 5 paragraph essay which is due this Wednesday.  Use the glossary to write definitions for the following words.

·       Precedent
·       Cabinet
·       Unconstitutional
·       National debt
·       Excise tax
·       Deport
·       Tariffs
·       Neutrality
·       Impressment
·       Partisan
·       Aliens
·       Sedition
·       Nullify
·       laissez faire
·       Bond
·       Implied Powers